The TPACK model is extremely valuable for Instructional Designers. It offers an excellent way to articulate what we bring to the table regarding education and training. And it can help shed some light on how the role of the ID can shift in different circumstances.

The TPACK model represents a ven diagram of Technology knowledge, Pedagogical knowledge, And Content Knowledge.

The magic, of course, is in the overlap. So it’s not enough to know about technology and the content someone needs to understand how technology applies to the content area. It’s not enough to understand pedagogy and the content one needs to understand how pedagogy can be leveraged to teach the specific content, and again with technology and pedagogy. Understanding how the technology works but not being able to apply it to help students learn is of little value.

And of course in the center where all of the three domains where all of the integrated understanding can be applied to best help the leaners.

One of the misunderstandings regarding the TPACK model is that one person needs to master all of these all of the time. Most of the time the core function of the instructional designers is to round out these necessary skills for our Content Knowledge expert. So while our subject matter expert may spend 15 or 20 years to become an expert in the content we should put just as much effort into understanding the technology and pedagogy so that we can be flexible enough to adapt to whatever they throw our way.

The TPACK model also highlights were sensitivity is sometimes required when someone also perceives themselves to be an expert in more than just the content, and especially when they are an expert. A veteran teacher of 25 years may not need as much pedagogical support as we may be excited to offer.

For more on the TPACK model be sure to visit