Get thee to an art museum!

With all of this talk the past week about learning from photography I wanted to share an even more effective piece of advice when it comes to the increasing sill with regards to good design. Luckily it’s a simple one.

Get thee to an art museum! I’m serious. Find some local art museums and actually put a visit on the calendar, bonus points if you can get your boss to approve an outing on company time, and another set of bonus points if you can move exceptionally slow through the museum by yourself.

Our local museum currently has an exhibit on illustrator N.C. Wyeth. With Treasure Island being a favorite in our house I knew I needed to take my boys. And I’m going to be making a return trip solo soon. Because while Wyeth is quoted as saying “Painting [or fine art] and illustration cannot be mixed—one cannot merge from one into the other.” I completely disagree.

Exploring the world of fine art can indeed help with improving our design efforts.